Selasa, 20 September 2011

Pembudayaan Matematika di Sekolah Untuk Mencapai Keunggulan Bangsa

 Oleh : Drs. Marsigit MA
Dosen Pada Jurusan Pendidikan Matematika, 
FMIPA Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Reviewed by : yunia indri hapsari (09301241034),

Acculturation of mathematics in school can begin with defining the essence of school mathematics. Ebbutt, S and Straker, A., (1995) defines school mathematics as:
(1) activity is an activity tracking mathematical patterns and relationships,
(2) mathematical activities require creativity, imagination, intuition and invention,
(3) activities and results of mathematics needs to be communicated,
(4) activities are part of the problem solving mathematical activities,
(5) algorithm is a procedure to obtain the answers to math problems, and
(6) social interaction is required in mathematical activities.

 Mathematics can be thought of as a language, human creativity. Personal opinions are highly valued and emphasized. Students have the right of individuals to protect themselves and their experiences and develop according to its potential. The ability to do math problems is individualized. Learning theory based on the assumption that every student is different from one another in the mastery of mathematics. Students deemed to have mental readiness and capabilities vary in studying mathematics. Therefore each individual need the opportunity, treatment, and the different facilities in the study of mathematics.
Cultivation mathematics learning has implications for the teacher as facilitator as well as possible so that students can learn mathematics optimally. Mathematics was seen not to be taught by the teacher but to be studied by students. Student placed as the central point of learning mathematics Teachers have three main functions: as a facilitator, as a source
teaching and monitoring students' activities.

To be able to cultivate an understanding of the meaning of mathematics is needed mathematics in various dimensions. Dimensional mathematical meaning can be seen from the side dimensional mathematical objects to concrete objects and mathematical dimensions to the object- objects of mind. Mathematical communication includes communication materials, formal communication, normative communication and spiritual communication. In relation to learning mathematics then we are more suited to define mathematics as the mathematics
school, but for college-level mathematics we define as formal mathematical or axiomatic. Mathematics can contribute to the Cultivation nation of excellence through innovation learning process conducted on a continuous mathematical constantly. In relation to obtaining the benefits the nation then we can think of mathematics, learning mathematics and mathematics education at different hierarchy level or the level of intrinsic, extrinsic or systemic.


Various reports indicate that the economic crisis has been very adversely affected the performance of our education, higher dropout rates, enrollment rates decline, and the ability of parents to participate to provide facilities and teaching resources (books) are also declining.
At the macro level, the education system still shows characteristics of a rigid centralism, with a very strong dominance of the bureaucracy, so that at every level of educational stagnation or stagnation. Creativity or improvisation towards innovation is very difficult for national education system because they tend to follow the line of instructions from above. While the micro level, the practice of education in Indonesia is still relying on the teacher's role as a spearhead of the government in implementing policies kependidikannya. However, the important role of teachers has not been matched by the government's awareness to empower them. In a position that's needed but did not consider it part of our teachers are experiencing stagnation o to be able to develop creative teaching because there is no room for it.
            Thomas (1995) mentions that education reform can occur by at least 4 (four) reasons, namely: socio-political conditions, economy, culture and science and technology development.
According to Fullan (1991), the meaning of education reform involves two things: first, in an effort to intensify the reform of the system and, secondly, the reform as an effort to restructure. Efforts to intensify the system can be revamping the curriculum, textbook production system, teaching methods, evaluation and utilization of system resources teaching / learning. While restructuring can involve aspects of management education, improving the teacher's role in making education policy, renewed vision and perception of education, increase public involvement in the educational process, system development in-service training for teachers, administrative systems and increasing the role of students.
Educational paradigms should give a wide open space for public participation in its various forms, professional development, open management, lifelong education, awareness of learning, skills diversity and fairness in competition. The development of education globally, is characterized by a shift in the center of education (learning) from the educator to the educated. The results showed that placing sibelajar as the central point (central) in education will provide a broad and different implications than by placing educators as a central point. 'Transfer of knowledge' from teacher to student has been considered a paradigm of a less appropriate to the educational nature. As an alternative then began to develop a new paradigm that is 'cognitive-development' as an effort to develop the potential the learner.
The value of mathematics can be seen from the context of the ontological, epistemological and axiological within the limits of intrinsic value, extrinsik and systemic. For a self-learner of mathematics then the lowest value of mathematics is that if only his own use, a higher value if the math can be used for public interest. But the highest math scores is if it can be used systemically for the wider interest. But the values
​​of mathematics are developed should be coupled with critical thinking because the math is none other than critical thinking itself. The sharpness of the future of mathematics can wander through a teleological concept that what happens in the future at least be photographed through the present. Nevertheless there are still other values ​​that are related to levels of quality. At first the quality of math scores is only visible on the outside, but on the quality of the second and third and so on then the value of mathematics is metaphysical. With analog thinking then what happens to the disclosure of the value of mathematics can be used also in the disclosure of the noble values ​​of the nation. Bangsadapat virtue achieved back none other than merely by the method of translating and translated from the context of the passage of time past, present, and future. This is then known people with hermenitika method.
            In the field of education, teachers need to continually evaluate deficiency or There are a variety of criteria regarding international standards. In the field of education then either national standards or international standards can be developed through the realm of curriculum and syllabus, educational ability, readiness support facilities, supporting books, the language of instruction (English), national and international collaboration, recognition of credible institutions, the number of and quality of graduates, and so on. But if only about the things mentioned above that on the international standards

Kamis, 15 September 2011

Developing Teacher Training Textbooks for Lesson Study in Indonesia

Department of Mathematics Education, Faculty of Mathematics and Science, 
Yogyakarta State University Indonesia
reviewed by : yunia indri hapsari (09301241034),

Dengan jumlah penduduk,  mahasiswa dan guru yang banyak, maka Indonesia menghadapi tantangan untuk meningkatkan kualitas pengajaran. Oleh karena itu, Pemerintah berusaha untuk mempercepat 'sertifikasi guru profesional pembangunan’.  
Menyediakan buku adalah salah satu kebijakan penting untuk meningkatkan kualitas proses belajar mengajar. Program idealnya yaitu membiarkan sekolah untuk memilih kebutuhan buku teks  mereka sendiri untuk digunakan dalam proses belajar mengajar. Sekolah juga harus memberikan hak pada siswa untuk memilih buku mereka sendiri tanpa banyak intervensi oleh guru atau oleh sekolah. Namun, kenyataannya saat ini bahwa masih sangat sedikitr guru yang mampu menciptakan buku teks nya sendiri. Alasan utama adalah kurangnya keterampilan untuk menulis dan menghasilkan buku yang berkualitas baik.

Dalam kasus penyediaan buku teks, kita terkendala pada banyaknya siswa yang tidak mampu membeli buku karena rendahnya tingkat ekonomi orang tua mereka jadi guru, siswa dan masyarakat sangat berharap pemerintah mampu menyediakan buku-buku dengan harga yang lebih rendah.
Buku  yang baik untuk matematika SMP harus dimengerti, bermakna, dan berisi contoh yang baik. Kebanyakan dari guru yang mengikuti lesson study  menyatakan bahwa buku yang baik harus menggunakan sederhana, bahasa, komunikatif dan standar, harus bersifat komprehensif dalam hal isi dan 'kompetensi siswa (afektif, psikomotor, dan kognitif). Kesulitan yang paling mereka rasakan  jika mereka harus mengembangkan buku teks matematika untuk SMP adalah kurangnya keterampilan dan pengetahuan tentang menulis buku matematika , mengelola dan mengalokasikan waktu , perlu anggaran , tidak mudah untuk menentukan tema buku
da lain sebagainya.

Contoh Pengalaman Pengembangan Buku Pelajaran di Sekolah Menengah Pertama:
Langkah 1: Mendapatkan Ide
Langkah 2: Menyiapkan Rencana informal,
Langkah 3: Hanya mencoba penulisan pertama
Langkah 4: Mencerminkan dan melanjutkan draf
Langkah 5: Bekerja sama dengan Penerbit

Rabu, 14 September 2011

Memanfaatkan Microsoft word 2007 sebagai media pembelajaran geometri di SMP

Dr. Marsigit, M.A.
Jurusan Pendidikan Matematika, UNY
Reviewed by:
Yunia indri hapsari (09301241034),

Using Microsoft word 2007 is a good way for learning geometry in the junior high school.
Microsoft word 2007 contain SmartArt Graphic program that can help user to make a wide range of graphic both two-dimensional or three-dimensional.
The basic forms of geometry can be obtained from the menu insert and select submenu “shapes”. The forms of geometry is available in the menu “Basic Shapes”.
To draw objects using SmartArt Graphic, click the menu “insert” and then click “SmartArt” . for colour selection we can click “design” and then click “change colour”.

By utilizing the various facilities in Microsot Office 2007 we can develop learning geometry in junior high school. In particular, junior High School competency standards relating to geometric capability can be described as follows :
a.       understand the relationship line to line, line with an angle, corner angle and determine its size
b.      understand the concept of a rectangle and a triangle and determine its size
c.       using Pythagoras theorem in problem solving
d.      determining element of the circle and the circle, and size
e.       understand the properties of the cube, beam, prism, pyramid and its parts, and determine its size
f.       understand “ kesebangunan bangun datar” and its use in problem solving
g.      understand the properties of tubes, cones, spheres, and determine its size

By using  Microsoft Word 2007 , can make  the motivation and pleasure in
studying geometry. Students can use Microsoft Word 2007 to study the geometry of both
independently or through collaboration.
By using Microsoft Word 2007, students can conduct investigations or
investigation into concepts of geometry. Besides that, the students can perform activities
problem solving or solving mathematical problems.