Minggu, 09 Oktober 2011


By : Marsigit
Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengethuan Alam,
Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Reviewed by: yunia indri hapsari (09301241034), http://yunia-indri.blogspot.com
According to Kant (Wilder, RL, 1952), mathematics must be understood and constructed
using pure intuition, that intuition "space" and "time". concepts and
mathematical decisions that are "synthetic a priori" will lead to science
natural sciences had become dependent on mathematics in explaining
and predict natural phenomena. According to him, mathematics can be understood through
"Intuition sensing", as long as the results can be customized with our pure intuition.

According to Kant (Kant, I, 1783) mathematics as a science is possible if we are able to find a pure intuition [Reine Anschaoung] as its foundation, and mathematics that have been constructed are synthetic a priori.
According to Kant, intuition, with the range and variety is essential to construct mathematics also investigate and explain how mathematics be understood in the form of geometry or arithmetika. A transcendent understanding of mathematics through pure intuition in space and time is what causes the mathematics is possible as a science.

Kant (Wilder, RL, 1952) connecting arithmetic with the intuition of time as a form of "inner intuition" to show that awareness of the concept of numbers covering aspects of its formation so that the structure of consciousness can be shown in order of time. So the intuition of time causes the concept of numbers became concrete in accordance with empirical experience.

According to Kant, the principles of geometry are apodiktik, which can be drawn deductively from the premises absolutely right. The statement "three-dimensional space only" can not be be understood only by empirical intuition. Kant had a strong argument that the propositions of geometry are synthetic a priori. According to him, if not so, is if the proposition is analytic geometry only the geometry has no objective validity, which means the geometry is just fiction.

Kant making a contribution for giving a middle way that mathematics is synthetic a priori decision, is decision which first obtained a priori from the experience, but the concept is not obtained by empirical (Kant, I, 1783), but rather pure. Knowledge of geometry that is
synthetic a priori be possible if and only if the spatial concepts be understood
is transcendental and generate a priori intuition.

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