Kamis, 06 Oktober 2011

Pembelajaran Matematika Berbantuan Kalkulator: Studi Kasus Penggunaan Kalkulator Texas Instrument TI 89 pada PBM Matematika di SMK MUHAMMADIYAH IV YOGYAKARTA

Oleh :
Marsigit * dan Retno Siswanto**
Reviewed by : yunia indri hapsari (09301241034),

In developed countries calculator get the important role in the process of learning mathematics. This is indicated by the use of calculators in mathematics learning from primary education to higher education.
Types of calculators had great development. Viewed from their use calculator consists of two types, that is ordinary calculators and scientific calculators (scientific calculator).
One example of a scientific calculator is a graphing calculator. Graphing calculator has its own advantages than regular calculator. The advantage is located on ability of the calculator to solve math problems quickly and display them in graphical form. Another advantage is the graphing calculator to create a program that can solve math problems.

The calculator can be viewed as an aid in learning. The calculator according to the Dictionary of Electronics (Wasito; 1996:83-94) is a specialized tool to perform arithmetic with the preparation of data and instructions are included to it. The benefits that can explored from the use of calculators in the book Contemporary Mathematics Learning Strategies (2001: 241-244) are:
a) help in understanding math concepts,
b) help to strengthen computational skills,
c) develop a high-level thinking skills,
d) increasing problem solving skills, and
e) create a more realistic problem-solving.
From research conducted, noted there are some aspects
utilization the graphing calculator in learning mathematics as
a. to determine and match the graphic images
b. to determine and match the answers to the set of solving
c. Problem solving equations and inequalities can be use the command, symbolic manipulation and graphics.
d. Graphing calculator is useful to provide answers previously calculated without a calculator and accelerates problem solving
e. With the graphing calculator in the learning process mathematics lessons more interesting and math problem solving easier.
f. If the use of graphing calculators with no balanced the ability to understand the operating procedures and to think mathematically it can cause a high level of dependence, loss of self kepercaan, and lazy thinking.

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