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Until now the subjects of mathematics is still considered a difficult, boring, even scary. many of the students that hate math because they assume that mathematics is too abstract and difficult to understand. This may be because of the learning process conducted by the teacher is not good.
It is cannot be denied that mathematics lessons considered to be challenging and intimidating for students. Many students consider this lesson challenging, but the amount of students who view mathematics as a difficult subject more precisely. In this case the role of mathematics teachers is very decisive.
Unfortunately there are still many teachers who teach as they want .For example their principle that the material being taught for one day must be completed, although many students still do not understand. No further explanation about the usefulness of science and its applications in daily life. The students activities in school just listening to the teaching given and recorded. Teachers are also very rarely assign tasks to students.
Most teachers have not fully understand about the process or learning activities such what is right to teach mathematics. Most of them are still using the traditional ways that caused students to become more reluctant to learn mathematics.
There are several components that must be considered in order to improve the quality of learning mathematics, so can make mathematics as a friend of students. No longer be something to be feared or even considered as the enemy by the students. These components include lesson plans, student worksheets, the implementation of a class discussion in small groups, various methods of teaching, a variety of interaction, assessment, Apperception, media and teaching aids, and student reflection.
For that, this paper will discuss a bit about the components that must be considered in the process of mathematics learning and how we can develop mathematics learning process in high school with these components.
To be able to carry out the learning process , a teacher must be able to determine the right learning strategies that will aplied in learning process so can achieve the goal of learning that exist.
There are several components that must be observed by a teacher in carrying out the process of learning, especially math:
a. lesson plan
b. student’s worksheet
c. small group discussion
d. various interaction
e. various teaching methods
f. student conclution
g. Cognitive scheme
h. Students reflection
i. Apperception
j. Assessment
k. Media and teaching aids
The explanation of the above components are as follows:
a. Lesson plan
Lesson planning is the process of helping teachers systematically and analyzes the needs of students and develops possible related needs. A teacher should prepare lesson plans before he taught in the classroom every day. So the learning process can run smoothly and coherently. Also in order to achieve learning goals and targets that have been predetermined. Lesson plan should contain the following:
1. Title of the lesson
- Time required to complete the lesson
- List of required materials
- List of objectives, which may be behavioral objectives (what the student can do at lesson completion) or knowledge objectives (what the student knows at lesson completion)
- The set (or lead-in, or bridge-in) that focuses students on the lesson's skills or concepts—these include showing pictures or models, asking leading questions, or reviewing previous lessons
- An instructional component that describes the sequence of events that make up the lesson, including the teacher's instructional input and guided practice the students use to try new skills or work with new ideas
- Independent practice that allows students to extend skills or knowledge on their own
- A summary, where the teacher wraps up the discussion and answers questions
- An evaluation component, a test for mastery of the instructed skills or concepts—such as a set of questions to answer or a set of instructions to follow
- Analysis component the teacher uses to reflect on the lesson itself —such as what worked.
b. Student’s worksheet
Student worksheets (LKS) are one of the tools of learning mathematics that important and are expected to help students discover and develop mathematical concepts. LKS is one of facilities for help and simplify the teaching and learning activities so will be formed an effective interaction between students and teachers, thus increasing the activity of the students in improving learning achievement.
Students in school may have ‘’fill in the blank” sheets of questions, diagrams, or maps to help them with their exercises. Students will often use worksheet to review what has been tought in class.
In the student worksheet (LKS) students will get a description of the material, assignments, and training related to the material provided.
By using student worksheet in teaching will open widest opportunity for students to participate actively in learning. Thus the teacher fully responsible in monitoring students in the learning process
By using student worksheet in teaching will open widest opportunity for students to participate actively in learning. Thus the teacher fully responsible in monitoring students in the learning process
Student worksheet purposes, such as :
* Train students to think more steadily in the teaching and learning activities.
* Improve student interest in learning, for example, teachers make worksheets more systematic, colorful and picture to attract attention.
* Improve student interest in learning, for example, teachers make worksheets more systematic, colorful and picture to attract attention.
c. Small group discussion
Small group discussion is a method or technique that involves guidance of a group of people in face to face interaction, where each group member will get a chance to contribute their own thoughts and share experiences or information for problem solving or decision-making. In group discussions, group members pointed moderator (discussion leader), set goals, and agendas that must be obeyed.
A teacher usually divide students into small groups. Each group consisted of 3 to 5 students. The teacher will give a problem to be solved by each group. With this small discussion groups teachers will be easier to know the problems of students so can help students understand the material.
Small group work on the other hand provides opportunities for intellectual and personal growth which cannot be achieved so easily in the standard lecture situation. Because the small group is a more personal situation, it provides opportunities for interaction between teacher and students and among students. Such interaction can foster active learning and learning at a high conceptual level, and can help students to achieve a sense of independence and responsibility for their own learning.
d. Various interaction
Interaction is very important in studying at class. Various interaction such that hole class, small group, and individual interaction.
1. Whole class
A teacher will deliver material to all students, explaining to all the class. While students are listening and processing information obtained from the teachers so they get some knowledge.
2. Small group discussion interaction
In the small group discussion there is interaction between group members and between members of the group with the teacher. Students who are smarter or more mastering the material or a given issue will help explain the material to friends who do not understand. A teacher will be easier to know the problems of students in solving a given problem.
3. Individual interaction
e. Various teaching methods
There are many kinds of teaching methods. For effective teaching,to take a place a good method must be adopted by teacher.

a. Teaching methods
In this method, teachers tend to give an explanation to students continuously. So students tend to be passive because only listen to lectures from teachers.
b. question and answer method
Question and answer method is a method which aims to attract the attention of learners to be more focused to the learning process.
If learners less concentration, teachers can ask questions as an effort to raise the concentration of learners. Thus, learners become more concentration because forced to find answers of teacher questions.
If learners less concentration, teachers can ask questions as an effort to raise the concentration of learners. Thus, learners become more concentration because forced to find answers of teacher questions.
c. Discussion method
Discussion method suitable for small groups. The results showed that the method of discussion is more appropriately used to study the complex skills, critical thinking, and to solve the case. Therefore, the discussion method is appropriate for children to be more accustomed to get children in solving the problem.
d. Simulation methods
Simulation method is a method that is given to students, so that learners can use a set of facts, concepts, and strategies. Use of these methods provide an opportunity for learners to interact so that they can reduce fear. By simulating a case or problem, someone will be more live the existence.
e. assignment method
This method is a method done by with teachers to students, which usually done mostly at home or outside of school because their resolution need a longer time. This method is usually done when the with teachers learning has been completed, so what has been described with teachers in learning more infused by the students.
f. Field Trips methods
Field trip method is a method that invites learners outside the classroom.
Learners under the guidance of teachers invited to go to places where the concrete, such as recreational areas for study. Different from the recreational field trips. Trips generate something to look, while recreation does not generate anything other than just the reported experiences.
Learners under the guidance of teachers invited to go to places where the concrete, such as recreational areas for study. Different from the recreational field trips. Trips generate something to look, while recreation does not generate anything other than just the reported experiences.
g. Demonstration method
Method of demonstration is a show about the occurrence of an event, until the appearance of behavior demonstrated that in order to be understood by the students, whether real or artificially.
h. problem-solving methods
Problem solving method is a method of thinking, and problem solving.
In this case the learner is faced with a problem, then asked to solve it.
In this case the learner is faced with a problem, then asked to solve it.
d. Cognitive scheme
Teachers should design a concept of learning that will guide him when implementing the learning process. Teachers should provide materials to students in order according to the concept. It is very important to successful of learning. Each material will have a material requirement which must be mastered first. For example before the students were taught the integral problem, they should be taught first deferensial problem.
e. Student Reflection
Reflection is an effort, or an activity provides an opportunity for individuals to
express about what is already being done.
express about what is already being done.
reflection is how we think about what we have done, to review and respond specific events, specific activity and experience, noting what we have learned, including new ideas and what we feel. Reflections can appear in the form of journals, discussion, and art.
The Importance of Reflection
1) For the teachers, get information about what students learn and how students learn. In addition, teachers can make improvements in planning and learning on subsequent chances or the future that will come.
2) For students, improve the ability of mathematical thinking
si, in addition, also similar to that done teachers.
2) For students, improve the ability of mathematical thinking
si, in addition, also similar to that done teachers.
h. student conclusssion
Conclusions are very similar to introductions in that they should give an overview of the way in which the essay answered the question. They frequently include a very brief summary of the main points (pieces of evidence, data, and so on) from the argument you constructed to answer the question. It is extremely important that you explain, explicitly and very clearly, precisely how the argument you have produced answered the specific question or task set in the essay title.
Student's conclusion is how a student can conclude the informations that get from the teachers and building knowledge for themselves. Teachers should check whether the that students conclusions according with the learning material or not. if it is not appropriate then the teacher must justify it.
i. Apperception
appersception is the readiness of students to follow lessons. Not only if the teacher explains the course but students can try to learn their own material to be studied. By studying the material first before it learned in the classroom, students already have knowledge before learning so they more receptive to learning.
j. Assessment
Educational assessment is the process of documenting, usually in measurable terms, knowledge, skills, attitudes and beliefs. Assessment can focus on the individual learner, the learning community (class, workshop, or other organized group of learners), the institution, or the educational system as a whole. According to the Academic Exchange Quarterly: "Studies of a theoretical or empirical nature (including case studies, portfolio studies, exploratory, or experimental work) addressing the assessment of learner aptitude and preparation, motivation and learning styles, learning outcomes in achievement and satisfaction in different educational contexts are all welcome, as are studies addressing issues of measurable standards and benchmarks" .It is important to notice that the final purposes and assessment practices in education depends on the theoretical framework of the practitioners and researchers, their assumptions and beliefs about the nature of human mind, the origin of knowledge and the process of learning.
k. Media and teaching aids
Learning media is everything that used in learning activities in order to stimulate mind, feelings, interests and concerns of students so that the process of interaction between teachers (or media maker) and students can take place in appropriate and efficient. examples of instructional media that computer, whiteboard, LCD, TVR, pictures, etc.
A teaching aid is a tool used by teachers, facilitators, or tutors to
a. Help Learners Improve reading and other skills
b. illustrate or reinforce a skill, fact, or idea, and
c. relieve anxiety, Fears, or boredom, since many teaching aids are like games.
Media and teaching aids are very important to develop a process of learning mathematics in school. It will help simplify students to understand the material being taught
As a teacher of mathematics, we must understand the components are very important in learning mathematics. These components must be fully understood and utilized by teachers to develop learning. The components are:
a. lesson plan
b. student's worksheet
c. small group discussion
d. Various interaction
e. Various teaching method
f. Student conclution
g. Cognitive scheme
h. Students reflection
i. Apperception
j. Assessment
k. Media and teaching
With these components are expected aidsional professed teachers can work and be able to make mathematics a friend to students.
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