Kamis, 12 Januari 2012


teaching with traditional teaching methods was out of date. Teaching that just sitting in front of the class actually be a sign of lack of dynamism as a true 
educator. It may be that this is just a symbolic figure of the teacher and do not represent the whole  as a whole. If so, it seems as though much a teacher can create a productive
and professional learning.
If previously paradigm we lead to Teacher Education Center, now that direction has changed slowly but surely towards the Student Center.
In the Student center approach, teaching is not determined by the tastes of the teacher, but is heavily determined by the students themselves. what will be learned from the topics that students should learn, how to learn, not only teachers but also students that decide.
 Students have the opportunity to learn according to his own style. Thus the teacher's role changes from a source of learning into a role as a facilitator, meaning that more teachers as people who help students to learn.
The main purpose of teaching is to empower students. Therefore, the criteria for success of the teaching process is not measured by the extent to which students have mastered the subject matter, but measured by the extent to which students have made the learning process. 
Thus, teachers no longer serve only as a source of learning but acts as a guide and facilitate so that students are willing and able to learn students as subjects of learning activities.
 In the process of teaching as a process set the environment, students are not considered as a passive organisms that just as recipients of information, but is seen as who active organism, who has the potential.

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